
Photo © Sina Kelvani

1st classified

by Stephen Hayes

This image is an ICM at the beautiful and one of my favourite locations of Long Strand in West Cork, Ireland. It is a reminder of the rush I get from photography but also a reminder not to rush through life.

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Runner up

City of Depraved Souls
by Alexandru Crisan

A vision based on Italo Calvino's book, "Invisible Cities". The proposed series of images follows a thin line of understanding and interpreting the cities described in Clavino's book. "The book explores imagination and the imaginable through the descriptions of cities by an explo...

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Highly commended

Vivid Matrix
by Majid Jahan

My goal was to create an image to have the viewer's eyes constantly bouncing all over the image looking for an answer as to what they are looking at. At the same time I wanted to create something unique like a magical dance for the eyes with high technical qualities.

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Highly commended

by Massimo Della Latta

My dreamlike vision of the "Sassi" of Matera. After visiting the city during a trip, I thought that a classic photo did not fully convey the idea of "capital of culture".

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Highly commended

by Martine Lemarchand

I usually collect organic waste (fruit and vegetables) in a bag and then make fertilizer with it. The bag left in the sun on my balcony formed condensation creating this impressionist landscape.

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Highly commended

The Surreal Universe
by Vamshi Krishna

The universe is something that is always beyond our imaginations. From childhood to sci-fi movies, everywhere we always keep on imagining the universe. Here I tried to create a universe as per my childhood imaginations with the help of chemicals and some daily utility products. T...

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by Giuseppe Cardoni

“Traces” is a tribute to the artistic movement of Italian Futurists. Sometimes I try to challenge viewers to take on new perspectives and new understandings of what they see.

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Coquette River
by Stas Bartnikas

Every time I fly over this glacial river that meets the ocean, it presents itself in a different outfit. In this picture taken from a Cessna plane several days ago in Iceland it was already very spring and attractive. A day later after a snowfall it was completely white, covered...

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by Philip Yakushin

I wanted to create an atmosphere where there is nothing but a human being. To transfer the feeling of ethereality and flight. As if people were angels, ethereal and diaphanous. As if they just float through the heavens.

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by Giovanni Casetti

it is like looking through a microscope. It is ice, on the surface of an alpine lake. From the bottom of the lake bubbles of gas emerge, which become trapped in the various layers of ice, as it becomes more and more thick. Hence the abstract design.

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Delta Abstraction
by Manuel Enrique González Carmona

Minerals, water and water currents are the ingredients with which nature creates these ephemeral landscapes. This canvas is actually a raft of toxic waste from a copper mine, located in the province of Huelva, Spain, having been captured by aerial shots. These ephemeral formation...

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by Alicja Wróblewska

When the temperature rises above a certain point (it depends on the location and species), the symbiotic relationship of corals and coexisting creatures becomes disturbed. It is estimated that by 2030 90% of the reefs around the world will be under threat, and by 2050 all will be...

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by Rick Lingo

This is a photo of an office building in Albuquerque, New Mexico. As I was driving through a town on Route 66 I spotted the retro-adobe structures of this particular office park. One building in particular, with a hidden stairway to the upper floors, caught my eye. I found a good...

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Double Play
by Caterina Marchionne

Abstract architecture. The image is the result of a multiple exposure taken directly in the camera. The subject is an architecture of Rome.

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