Country: Italy 🇮🇹
Hi, I’m an italian abstractionist nature photographer. I was born and raised in Italy, the place where i live. Taking photos is, for me, an act of love: I take my most precious parts, put them between the pixels of my photos, then I put the images on Internet or in a gallery … People see the images, which vibrate inside them positively, and they acknowledge the beauty that I have pulled out from inside me, mixed with the beauty of nature. This generates inside them an emotion, because they recognize and appreciate what they see, and was already inside them. This gives them moments of happiness, which can happen again whenever they want. My own firm is called Fotoperamore, that’s “Pictures for love”. I’ve started calling my work like that when it was only a hobby for me.
Graduated from scientific high school. Self-taught photographer, I started taking pictures in 2006, has been working as a professional from 2016.
Four exhibitions between 2015 and 2016, in my region Trentino-Alto Adige, north east of Italy.
Graduated from scientific high school. Self-taught photographer, I started taking pictures in 2006, has been working as a professional from 2016.
Four exhibitions between 2015 and 2016, in my region Trentino-Alto Adige, north east of Italy.