In the enchanting Magical Forest of Nanacamilpa, Mexico, a Magical Forest Shepherd engages in a captivating conversation with a firefly. As the setting sun paints the sky with deep blue hues at dusk, this serene and mystical moment unfolds in this otherworldly realm.
Read moreThe concept behind this image was to craft a skyline using screws. A black cardboard background, adorned with small spots, resembles stars when illuminated. The base is composed of glass filled with water.
Read moreInspired by renowned NBA photographer Andrew Bernstein, known for his top-angle shots, I aimed to bring a creative twist to sports photography, by compositing torn nets beneath the player.
Read moreIn the heart of Doha, Qatar, a vibrant mural of birds comes to life as a passing woman engages playfully with the artwork. This spontaneous interaction creates a fleeting moment of beauty and connection.
Read moreBlue Plate Special is a color study that delves into the theme of "conflict of interests," using surreal visuals to unravel emotions and ideas. Created without composites or extensive editing, this piece offers a raw, unfiltered exploration of its concept.
Read moreAt the end of the dry season in Northern Myanmar, the water level of Indawgyi Lake drops enough to walk on planks laid out to reach an island. During an annual week-long festival at the temple on the island, pilgrims appear to walk on water.
Read moreHumans in a complex world. Metals like stainless steel and aluminum are omnipresent. As a photographer, Adam uses metal elements (often metal and electronic scrap) with various structures and shapes, leveraging their reflective properties as a visual foundation for his ideas and...
Read moreThere are songs and artists that stay with us and immortalize moments. This image takes the photographer back to his youth, to a time when we used pencils to rewind cassettes and save the Walkman's battery.
Read moreA still life featuring a typical Dutch flower, the tulip. Combined with a beautifully cloudy sky and landscape, this creates a truly Dutch scene. The photo was taken in my studio, and post-processing, such as the background, is done later using Photoshop.
Read moreIn Japanese aesthetics, beauty is not found in the objects themselves but in the interplay of light, dark, and shadow created between them. Kiyoshi expressed this sense of beauty by utilizing the shadows cast by the vases.
Read moreA smelt named Bead, dressed in a caftan, is playing the game 'Tic-Tac-Toe' with friends. The smelt team emerged victorious. The photo was taken with a Canon 6D camera and is part of a series featuring Bead. A follow-up to this series will be shot later.
Read moreA still life photograph featuring apricots and mountain ash was taken in a home studio using natural daylight. The composition incorporates branches of rowan and apricot in similar hues. To enhance the color play, a contrasting blue bottle and broken glass are included in the sce...
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