
Photo © Sina Kelvani

1st classified

Fish, You Can!
by Yuliy Vasilev

"Fish, you Can!" is the pilot picture of a project, about going back to using real and fresh products instead of canned and manufactured/processed ones.

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Runner up

Vegetables on the Plates
by Yong Zhang

The backlighting of the flash is used to outline the contours and textures of the vegetables, creating a magical effect of light.

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Highly commended

Octopus Hanging by a String
by Theodosis Georgiadis

Octopus hanging by a string still life, is an image from the series of photos made to celebrate the bicentennial of the Greek revolution in 1821.

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Highly commended

Spaghetti Stylist 3
by Yuliy Vasilev

Spaghetti Stylist 3 is part of a project, with the same name, which consists of 6 images, where I pretend that spaghetti is hair.

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Highly commended

Acrobatic Tomatoes
by Andre Boto

The objective was to create a composition with different sizes of tomatoes giving them all the highlight and also having objects that we usually use in the kitchen, creating a graphic game.

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by Gilles Auroux

The little poetry of coffee is an appeal to all our senses: the brown mix of dark liquid crowned by a lighter brown foam, the delicate tinkling of a last drop falling in the cup, the aromatic smell exhaling from the smoke and finally the taste in your mouth and the warmth in your...

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by Claudio Dell'osa

Zero kilometer products, biological agriculture and veganism are the many answers to those people who want to know, learn and experiment. But how much awareness is there around in relation to these eating choices? Unfortunately, we are more and more distant from the farming genui...

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Old Fashioned
by Dana Hursey

An iconic and dramatic ultra high resolution photograph of a classic cocktail. This image was created with a single light source and assembled from 14 separate exposures.

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Fresh Sushi
by Andre Boto

A commercial image with the aim of showing how fresh this piece of sushi is that even jumps out of the aquarium as if it were still a fish. Client: Bon-Sai Lounge Sushi, Friends & Music.

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Devils Ears
by Klaus-peter Selzer

A pomegranate that I first frozen and then photographed cut in half in my photo studio. Since the upper part resembles small ears, it received the appropriate title.

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