
Photo © Sina Kelvani

1st classified

Black on Black
by Elena Otvodenko

Black is the rarest color in nature. Here are examples of black food for which I found black dishes, black cutlery on black background.

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Runner up

Orange and Blue
by Cosimo Barletta - Mayda Mason

Two half oranges and a quarter wrapped in blue in a game of colors and light with a chromatic contrast based on complementary colors: a very strong contrast that the brain likes.

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Highly commended

by Mona Lorenz

This picture is a series consisting of three photos. The backdrop is a photo printed on canvas. The final picture is a mixture between the canvas backdrop, the bowl and the real blueberries added to the "surface preparation".

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Highly commended

The Broccoli Forest
by Yuliy Vasilev

This is the pilot image of my ongoing project "Miniature World". The image was taken in my home studio in Bulgaria in August 2019.

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Highly commended

Honey Cake
by Sharon Cosgrove

I was gifted some local honey and decided to bake a honey cake with it. The hexagonal mould inspired me and so the concept was born. All the flowers used are edible and were also gifted me by a local catering business. I chose the yellow background to really emphasise the golden...

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Highly commended

Making Wine
by Marc Sabat

For this photo I used water with food coloring and I tried to match the color of Bourgogne wine with orange shades, on an ivory color backdrop.

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Pink Lady
by Cosimo Barletta - Mayda Mason

We have taken the classic still life paintings while 
the main subject now is a lot of Pink Lady apples and we have reinterpreted them in a modern context, inserting iconic common objects made of plastic that in the next future will disappear . 

All of this is completed by a sea...

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by Alloys Iteba

This is a conceptual shoot. I wanted to mix fruits, colors and few shapes to bring out something appealing to the eyes and also use minimalism.

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White Ice Cream
by Cosimo Barletta - Mayda Mason

A cup of creamy ice cream between a whirlwind of soft and delicious caramel dressing and a cascade of very fine crunchy hazelnuts.

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