Elizabeth Opalenik

Country: United States 🇺🇸

Elizabeth Opalenik b.1947
Elizabeth Opalenik is one of the most creative photographers of our time with an intense
curiosity for the photographic medium. She believes that all good photographs are self
portraits that lie somewhere between imagination and dreams. Her nearly 45 year career
has found her teaching or making images on six continents, seeking the beauty and grace
that exists within all things while creating a sense of wonder and possibility.
In her "second act" with a current focus on personal work, Elizabeth's preference is
working with reflected illusions or water in any form tracing where the mind has been.
As a mordançeuse that breaks rules, she continues to explore the possibilities in the
darkroom process Mordançage contributing her ground-breaking style of saving spidery
veils of silver emulsion in each unique piece.
Elizabeth has published two monographs, Poetic Grace-Elizabeth Opalenik Photographs
1979-2007 and her pandemic project, Workshop Stories: changed through photography. Humanitarian projects with eye doctors throughout South America is a way of giving back and keeps her grounded.
Her website is www.elizabethopalenik.com.