Country: Australia 🇦🇺
Borne in Germany during World War II, understandably the first years pf my life were quite haunting. Bombs, bunkers, and hunger dominated my first 5 years, an experience that left me with a strong desire for peace and harmony that continues till today. After graduating from school in Germany, I lived, studied and worked in many different countries, e.g., UK, Switzerland, Venezuela, Brazil and again Switzerland where I graduated as Master in Business Administration (MBA) at one of the most renowned European Business Schools. After 14 years of managerial work with a major pharmaceutical company, my husband and I felt it was time for a change in career and in 1993 we moved to Western Australia. Inspired by the extreme beauty of the Australian Continent, I decided to seriously take up photography by first joining a photography club which became a real eye-opener for fine art photography. Simultaneously, I began to enter State, national and international competitions in Australia, Austria, France, and Germany winning most years gold, silver, and bronze medals. In 2004, I was awarded the LAPS and in 2005 the AAPS of the Australian Photographic Society followed in September 2006 by the AFIAP honors. The advent of digital imaging and the “dry darkroom” lent wings to my imagination, and I began ‘create’ images rather than just represent a moment in time of any photographed subject. While working on an image, the monitor becomes like a canvas on which the image slowly emerges. None of my images is preconceived, they just happen – either as a straightforward ‘shot’ or, as said before, just emerge guided by my state of mind at that given moment of time.