Country: United States 🇺🇸
Jill Enfield is a fine art photographer, educator, curator and author and has been teaching photography for many years with a concentration on historical techniques and alternative processes. Her three books: Photo Imaging: A Complete Guide To Alternative Processes published by Amphoto, and, Jill Enfield’s Guide to Alternative Processes: Popular Historical and Contemporary Techniques (First and Second Editions), published by Focal Press, are award winning books, and used in schools all over the world. The books include step-by-step instructions on a variety of techniques including: wet plate collodion, dry plate modern tintypes, platinum and palladium printing, cyanotypes, liquid emulsion, albumen printing, hand painting and more.
Jill’s work has also been chosen to be on book covers about these techniques and in magazines. Jill has podcasts and videos that can be seen on youtube and other areas of the web. She has shown her work throughout the USA and Europe and had a one-woman show in 6 galleries on Ellis Island called THE NEW AMERICANS. A 3-minute video about the installation and the glass house made of old windows and portraits of recent immigrants can be seen by clicking on this link. The show then traveled with the Glasshouse of Immigrants featured at Photoville in DUMBO, NYC and the Annenberg Center in LA, and is still traveling to many cities throughout the USA. Enfield is looking for a permanent home for the glasshouse.
Enfield will be the keynote speaker at the Finnish Darkroom Association in March of 2022 and in November, 2020 become one of the advisors to the Lishui International Handmade Photography Center in China.
Enfield has been teaching at Parsons The New School of Design since the late 1980’s and at many workshops throughout the world. Her fine art images can be seen in many museums around the world as well as in private collections.
Jill’s work has also been chosen to be on book covers about these techniques and in magazines. Jill has podcasts and videos that can be seen on youtube and other areas of the web. She has shown her work throughout the USA and Europe and had a one-woman show in 6 galleries on Ellis Island called THE NEW AMERICANS. A 3-minute video about the installation and the glass house made of old windows and portraits of recent immigrants can be seen by clicking on this link. The show then traveled with the Glasshouse of Immigrants featured at Photoville in DUMBO, NYC and the Annenberg Center in LA, and is still traveling to many cities throughout the USA. Enfield is looking for a permanent home for the glasshouse.
Enfield will be the keynote speaker at the Finnish Darkroom Association in March of 2022 and in November, 2020 become one of the advisors to the Lishui International Handmade Photography Center in China.
Enfield has been teaching at Parsons The New School of Design since the late 1980’s and at many workshops throughout the world. Her fine art images can be seen in many museums around the world as well as in private collections.