Country: Germany 🇩🇪
Photography is currently my greatest passion. I started as a travel photographer, but in 2016 I switched to create mostly in Fine Art Nudes genre. My style is strongly influenced by paintings belonging to Rennasisance, Dutch Masters, NeoClassicism, Romanticism, Academism, Symbolism, Expressionism and I aim to make even a stronger bridge between Fine Art and Photography. My images emphasise noble and artistic side of nudity rather than erotic. Mastering artistic use of body plasticity language and the magic of colour tonalities I manage to visualise in great manner plethora of themes such as nobility, sensuality, freedom, joy, sadness, melancholy etc. A journey into the aesthetics of body is in my view inseparable from the journey into the aesthetics of a soul.
My images were highly appreciated by broad audience and I became very victorious in prestigious International annual competitions.
My images were highly appreciated by broad audience and I became very victorious in prestigious International annual competitions.