Kirill Uyutnov

Country: Russia 🇷🇺

Kirill Uyutnov is a wildlife photographer and organizer of photo expeditions in Russia. He shot in all Arctic regions from Franz Josef Land to Chukotka. Now lives in Karelia.
Winner of the photo contests "Golden Turtle", "Wildlife in Russia" (National Geographic), "Wiki loves Earth", "Global Arctic Awards", "International Photo Awards", "35 Photo Awards", "Best of Russia", and winner of the prestigious award "Dawn".
He is scholarship holder of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and author of personal photo exhibitions in Russia, China and Italy in collaboration with Ekaterina Vasyagina.
Also, speaker of the wildlife forum "Nature Photo Talks" and the largest Russian festival "Pristine Russia".
Kirill is the author of shots for large-scale wildlife projects "Narwhal. Legend of the Arctic" on Franz Josef Land (Gazprom Neft company) and "Nature of the Baikal-Amur Mainline" in Eastern Siberia (Russian Railways Company).
He collaborated with Canon, Sony, Gitzo brands, with Alrosa and NordAvia airlines, with Russian Life, Discovery, Russia Beyond, and Kavkaz Air magazines.
Since 1997, Kirill has organized more than 100 trips from the Equator to the Arctic and visited more than 60 nature reserves and national parks.
He is a full member of the Union of Wildlife Photographers, the Union of Art Photographers, the Russian Geographical Society, and the Nature Photo Team.