Country: Belgium 🇧🇪
Benoît Feron is a Belgian photographer. He lives in Brussels.
His work is nourished by a deep love for traveling and exploring the planet, its people and its wonders. With a true appeal for the Horn of Africa, the Great Rift Valley, its unbeaten light, endless nature, but first of all for the great diversity and the beauty of its people, whom he immortalized in his book “Portraits of the Rift”. He captured innumerable images of its people and tribes. First with portraits but also with a large work on the human skin through the ritual of body painting, scarification or jewelry. In addition, the photographer captured its landscapes, lakes and volcanos with a focus on graphism and abstractions of this impressive nature.
Besides his work on the Rift Valley, Benoît is also exploring the diversity of people throughout the world where he tries to capture portraits in the same spirit as in his work on the tribes of the Rift Valley. This led him o.a. to India where he photographed very colorful celebrations like the Holi Festival or other countries in different continents like Papua New Guinea or Peru.
In addition, he also focuses on abstraction in the nature in his serie “Elements, Terra Abstracta”. This subject led him to photograph many aspects of the elements of the planet, like the ice in Antarctica, Arctic, Patagonia or Iceland, as well the incredible nature of Yellowstone in the winter. He has also photographed many lakes and landscapes from the air like the soda lakes Natron and Magadi in Tanzania and Kenya or the Atacama desert in Chili.
His artistic approach is strongly inspired by a search for aestheticism, for original framing and for the emotion expressed by the people photographed.
What makes Benoît‘s work unique is the precision of his framing and his attraction for sharpness and details, found in his portraits but also in his work on skins, jewels or landscapes. His work is also mastering the sense and harmony of colours, although Benoît does not neglect black and white work from time to time.
Benoît Feron deeply cares about the future of the people, places and wildlife he has photographed, and he speaks about them with passion. He supports several humanitarian projects or charities, including En Avant les Enfants and Comequi (active in Kivu, Congo), Fondation Fournier Majorie, Foetus for life or the Association Tchendukua.
He is the author of several books and has been widely exhibited in Belgium and France. He held in 2014 a major exhibition in Brussels, «Portraits of the Rift», which was acclaimed by the press. In 2007 he won the best photography award delivered at the occasion of the exhibition l’Art pour l’Accueil held at the Xavier Hufkens gallery. In 2014, a jury chaired by Belgium Sotheby’s chairman granted the artist the photography prize in another collective exhibition in Brussels organized by Spot-U-Art.
In November 2016, Benoît was invited with 17 other photographers, including Ian Arthus-Bertrand and Sebastiao Salgado, to exhibit his work in the Festival Loving Earth organized by Hangar H 18 in Brussels.
His work can be seen on www.benoitferon.photography, on Instagram (benoitferonphotography) and Facebook (Benoît Feron and Regards Passion by Benoît Feron). He can be contacted by phone ( +32 475 470874) or by email ([email protected]).
Solo exhibitions
2021 June - Elements Terra Abstracta, Villa Gallery (Liège, BE)
2021 April – Burners by BF, Ten Gallery (Knokke, BE)
2020 Sept/Oct. - Elements Terra Abstracta, invité d’honneur, Phot’Aubrac (Nasbinal et Aubrac, FR)
2020 Sept - Elements Terra Abstracta, invité, Festival Spot-Nature (Le Havre, FR)
2020 July – Les Lacs du Rift, invité d’honneur, Festival Photo A Ciel Ouvert (L’Ile d’Olonne, FR)
2020 Jan/Feb. – Art For Cities, Budapest (HUNG)
2019 Nov. – Elements Terra Abstracta, Montier Festival Photo (Montier en Der, FR)
2019 Oct/Nov. – Art For Cities, Arthus Gallery (Brussels, BE)
2019 Sept. – Ethnicity, invité d’honneur, Festiphoto de Rambouillet (FR)
2018 Sept/Nov. – Ethnicity, Galerie Arnaud Rogez (Brussels, BE)
2018 July – Ethnies, Voies Off, Arles (Arles, FR)
2018 April/May – Ethnies, Arts2 B (Wavre, BE)
2017 Oct. - White Yellowstone, Festival International Nature de Namur (Namur, BE)
2017 March – Portraits du Rift, soirée Comequi, Château du Lac (Genval, BE)
2016 - Portraits du Rift, Festival photo animalière et de nature, Montier en Der (FR)
2016 June – RoofTop 58 (Brussels, BE)
2016 - Event organized at Alexander House by Sotheby's Real Estate and Rothschild Belgique (Brussels, BE)
2015 – Portraits du Rift, Festival AVES de photographie (Namur, BE)
2015 – Skins, Cercle du Lac (Louvain la Neuve, BE)
2014 - Fotofever Paris (Paris, FR)
2014 - Portraits du Rift, Hangar H18 (Brussels, BE)
2013 - From Earth to Skin, Bank Degroof (Wavre, BE)
2012 - African Skins, NautaDutilh art space (Rotterdam, NL)
2010 - African Skins 2, Young Gallery (Knokke, BE)
2010 - African Skins, Galerie Duqué & Pirson (Brussels BE)
2009 - Surma, Faces & Bodies, Bank Delen (Antwerp, BE)
2008 - Surma, Faces & Bodies, Galerie Duqué et Pirson (Brussels, BE)Benoît Feron is a Belgian photographer. He lives in Brussels.
His work is nourished by a deep love for traveling and exploring the planet, its people and its wonders. With a true appeal for the Horn of Africa, the Great Rift Valley, its unbeaten light, endless nature, but first of all for the great diversity and the beauty of its people, whom he immortalized in his book “Portraits of the Rift”. He captured innumerable images of its people and tribes. First with portraits but also with a large work on the human skin through the ritual of body painting, scarification or jewelry. In addition, the photographer captured its landscapes, lakes and volcanos with a focus on graphism and abstractions of this impressive nature.
Besides his work on the Rift Valley, Benoît is also exploring the diversity of people throughout the world where he tries to capture portraits in the same spirit as in his work on the tribes of the Rift Valley. This led him o.a. to India where he photographed very colorful celebrations like the Holi Festival or other countries in different continents like Papua New Guinea or Peru.
In addition, he also focuses on abstraction in the nature in his serie “Elements, Terra Abstracta”. This subject led him to photograph many aspects of the elements of the planet, like the ice in Antarctica, Arctic, Patagonia or Iceland, as well the incredible nature of Yellowstone in the winter. He has also photographed many lakes and landscapes from the air like the soda lakes Natron and Magadi in Tanzania and Kenya or the Atacama desert in Chili.
His artistic approach is strongly inspired by a search for aestheticism, for original framing and for the emotion expressed by the people photographed.
What makes Benoît‘s work unique is the precision of his framing and his attraction for sharpness and details, found in his portraits but also in his work on skins, jewels or landscapes. His work is also mastering the sense and harmony of colours, although Benoît does not neglect black and white work from time to time.
Benoît Feron deeply cares about the future of the people, places and wildlife he has photographed, and he speaks about them with passion. He supports several humanitarian projects or charities, including En Avant les Enfants and Comequi (active in Kivu, Congo), Fondation Fournier Majorie, Foetus for life or the Association Tchendukua.
He is the author of several books and has been widely exhibited in Belgium and France. He held in 2014 a major exhibition in Brussels, «Portraits of the Rift», which was acclaimed by the press. In 2007 he won the best photography award delivered at the occasion of the exhibition l’Art pour l’Accueil held at the Xavier Hufkens gallery. In 2014, a jury chaired by Belgium Sotheby’s chairman granted the artist the photography prize in another collective exhibition in Brussels organized by Spot-U-Art.
In November 2016, Benoît was invited with 17 other photographers, including Ian Arthus-Bertrand and Sebastiao Salgado, to exhibit his work in the Festival Loving Earth organized by Hangar H 18 in Brussels.
His work can be seen on www.benoitferon.photography, on Instagram (benoitferonphotography) and Facebook (Benoît Feron and Regards Passion by Benoît Feron). He can be contacted by phone ( +32 475 470874) or by email ([email protected]).
Solo exhibitions
2021 June - Elements Terra Abstracta, Villa Gallery (Liège, BE)
2021 April – Burners by BF, Ten Gallery (Knokke, BE)
2020 Sept/Oct. - Elements Terra Abstracta, invité d’honneur, Phot’Aubrac (Nasbinal et Aubrac, FR)
2020 Sept - Elements Terra Abstracta, invité, Festival Spot-Nature (Le Havre, FR)
2020 July – Les Lacs du Rift, invité d’honneur, Festival Photo A Ciel Ouvert (L’Ile d’Olonne, FR)
2020 Jan/Feb. – Art For Cities, Budapest (HUNG)
2019 Nov. – Elements Terra Abstracta, Montier Festival Photo (Montier en Der, FR)
2019 Oct/Nov. – Art For Cities, Arthus Gallery (Brussels, BE)
2019 Sept. – Ethnicity, invité d’honneur, Festiphoto de Rambouillet (FR)
2018 Sept/Nov. – Ethnicity, Galerie Arnaud Rogez (Brussels, BE)
2018 July – Ethnies, Voies Off, Arles (Arles, FR)
2018 April/May – Ethnies, Arts2 B (Wavre, BE)
2017 Oct. - White Yellowstone, Festival International Nature de Namur (Namur, BE)
2017 March – Portraits du Rift, soirée Comequi, Château du Lac (Genval, BE)
2016 - Portraits du Rift, Festival photo animalière et de nature, Montier en Der (FR)
2016 June – RoofTop 58 (Brussels, BE)
2016 - Event organized at Alexander House by Sotheby's Real Estate and Rothschild Belgique (Brussels, BE)
2015 – Portraits du Rift, Festival AVES de photographie (Namur, BE)
2015 – Skins, Cercle du Lac (Louvain la Neuve, BE)
2014 - Fotofever Paris (Paris, FR)
2014 - Portraits du Rift, Hangar H18 (Brussels, BE)
2013 - From Earth to Skin, Bank Degroof (Wavre, BE)
2012 - African Skins, NautaDutilh art space (Rotterdam, NL)
2010 - African Skins 2, Young Gallery (Knokke, BE)
2010 - African Skins, Galerie Duqué & Pirson (Brussels BE)
2009 - Surma, Faces & Bodies, Bank Delen (Antwerp, BE)
2008 - Surma, Faces & Bodies, Galerie Duqué et Pirson (Brussels, BE)
Elements Terra Abstracta, Editions Regards Passion, 2021, 84 pages
Portraits du Rift, Editions Regards Passion, 2016, 144 pages
Portraits of the Rift, Editions Regards Passion, 2016, 144 pages
Rien n’est éternel sauf les étincelles, Tchendukua Editions (collectif de 40 photographes), Paris, 2014, 264 pages
Advocaten op de Foto, Lannoo, Tielt, 2013, 256 pages
Visages d'avocats, La Renaissance du Livre, Brussels, 2010, 256 pages
Surma, Faces & Bodies, La Renaissance du Livre, Brussels, 2008, 104 pages
Visages de Goma, Editions Racine, Brussels, 2008, 120 pages
La collégiale Sainte-Waudru, Editions Racine, 2008, 176 pages
His work is nourished by a deep love for traveling and exploring the planet, its people and its wonders. With a true appeal for the Horn of Africa, the Great Rift Valley, its unbeaten light, endless nature, but first of all for the great diversity and the beauty of its people, whom he immortalized in his book “Portraits of the Rift”. He captured innumerable images of its people and tribes. First with portraits but also with a large work on the human skin through the ritual of body painting, scarification or jewelry. In addition, the photographer captured its landscapes, lakes and volcanos with a focus on graphism and abstractions of this impressive nature.
Besides his work on the Rift Valley, Benoît is also exploring the diversity of people throughout the world where he tries to capture portraits in the same spirit as in his work on the tribes of the Rift Valley. This led him o.a. to India where he photographed very colorful celebrations like the Holi Festival or other countries in different continents like Papua New Guinea or Peru.
In addition, he also focuses on abstraction in the nature in his serie “Elements, Terra Abstracta”. This subject led him to photograph many aspects of the elements of the planet, like the ice in Antarctica, Arctic, Patagonia or Iceland, as well the incredible nature of Yellowstone in the winter. He has also photographed many lakes and landscapes from the air like the soda lakes Natron and Magadi in Tanzania and Kenya or the Atacama desert in Chili.
His artistic approach is strongly inspired by a search for aestheticism, for original framing and for the emotion expressed by the people photographed.
What makes Benoît‘s work unique is the precision of his framing and his attraction for sharpness and details, found in his portraits but also in his work on skins, jewels or landscapes. His work is also mastering the sense and harmony of colours, although Benoît does not neglect black and white work from time to time.
Benoît Feron deeply cares about the future of the people, places and wildlife he has photographed, and he speaks about them with passion. He supports several humanitarian projects or charities, including En Avant les Enfants and Comequi (active in Kivu, Congo), Fondation Fournier Majorie, Foetus for life or the Association Tchendukua.
He is the author of several books and has been widely exhibited in Belgium and France. He held in 2014 a major exhibition in Brussels, «Portraits of the Rift», which was acclaimed by the press. In 2007 he won the best photography award delivered at the occasion of the exhibition l’Art pour l’Accueil held at the Xavier Hufkens gallery. In 2014, a jury chaired by Belgium Sotheby’s chairman granted the artist the photography prize in another collective exhibition in Brussels organized by Spot-U-Art.
In November 2016, Benoît was invited with 17 other photographers, including Ian Arthus-Bertrand and Sebastiao Salgado, to exhibit his work in the Festival Loving Earth organized by Hangar H 18 in Brussels.
His work can be seen on www.benoitferon.photography, on Instagram (benoitferonphotography) and Facebook (Benoît Feron and Regards Passion by Benoît Feron). He can be contacted by phone ( +32 475 470874) or by email ([email protected]).
Solo exhibitions
2021 June - Elements Terra Abstracta, Villa Gallery (Liège, BE)
2021 April – Burners by BF, Ten Gallery (Knokke, BE)
2020 Sept/Oct. - Elements Terra Abstracta, invité d’honneur, Phot’Aubrac (Nasbinal et Aubrac, FR)
2020 Sept - Elements Terra Abstracta, invité, Festival Spot-Nature (Le Havre, FR)
2020 July – Les Lacs du Rift, invité d’honneur, Festival Photo A Ciel Ouvert (L’Ile d’Olonne, FR)
2020 Jan/Feb. – Art For Cities, Budapest (HUNG)
2019 Nov. – Elements Terra Abstracta, Montier Festival Photo (Montier en Der, FR)
2019 Oct/Nov. – Art For Cities, Arthus Gallery (Brussels, BE)
2019 Sept. – Ethnicity, invité d’honneur, Festiphoto de Rambouillet (FR)
2018 Sept/Nov. – Ethnicity, Galerie Arnaud Rogez (Brussels, BE)
2018 July – Ethnies, Voies Off, Arles (Arles, FR)
2018 April/May – Ethnies, Arts2 B (Wavre, BE)
2017 Oct. - White Yellowstone, Festival International Nature de Namur (Namur, BE)
2017 March – Portraits du Rift, soirée Comequi, Château du Lac (Genval, BE)
2016 - Portraits du Rift, Festival photo animalière et de nature, Montier en Der (FR)
2016 June – RoofTop 58 (Brussels, BE)
2016 - Event organized at Alexander House by Sotheby's Real Estate and Rothschild Belgique (Brussels, BE)
2015 – Portraits du Rift, Festival AVES de photographie (Namur, BE)
2015 – Skins, Cercle du Lac (Louvain la Neuve, BE)
2014 - Fotofever Paris (Paris, FR)
2014 - Portraits du Rift, Hangar H18 (Brussels, BE)
2013 - From Earth to Skin, Bank Degroof (Wavre, BE)
2012 - African Skins, NautaDutilh art space (Rotterdam, NL)
2010 - African Skins 2, Young Gallery (Knokke, BE)
2010 - African Skins, Galerie Duqué & Pirson (Brussels BE)
2009 - Surma, Faces & Bodies, Bank Delen (Antwerp, BE)
2008 - Surma, Faces & Bodies, Galerie Duqué et Pirson (Brussels, BE)Benoît Feron is a Belgian photographer. He lives in Brussels.
His work is nourished by a deep love for traveling and exploring the planet, its people and its wonders. With a true appeal for the Horn of Africa, the Great Rift Valley, its unbeaten light, endless nature, but first of all for the great diversity and the beauty of its people, whom he immortalized in his book “Portraits of the Rift”. He captured innumerable images of its people and tribes. First with portraits but also with a large work on the human skin through the ritual of body painting, scarification or jewelry. In addition, the photographer captured its landscapes, lakes and volcanos with a focus on graphism and abstractions of this impressive nature.
Besides his work on the Rift Valley, Benoît is also exploring the diversity of people throughout the world where he tries to capture portraits in the same spirit as in his work on the tribes of the Rift Valley. This led him o.a. to India where he photographed very colorful celebrations like the Holi Festival or other countries in different continents like Papua New Guinea or Peru.
In addition, he also focuses on abstraction in the nature in his serie “Elements, Terra Abstracta”. This subject led him to photograph many aspects of the elements of the planet, like the ice in Antarctica, Arctic, Patagonia or Iceland, as well the incredible nature of Yellowstone in the winter. He has also photographed many lakes and landscapes from the air like the soda lakes Natron and Magadi in Tanzania and Kenya or the Atacama desert in Chili.
His artistic approach is strongly inspired by a search for aestheticism, for original framing and for the emotion expressed by the people photographed.
What makes Benoît‘s work unique is the precision of his framing and his attraction for sharpness and details, found in his portraits but also in his work on skins, jewels or landscapes. His work is also mastering the sense and harmony of colours, although Benoît does not neglect black and white work from time to time.
Benoît Feron deeply cares about the future of the people, places and wildlife he has photographed, and he speaks about them with passion. He supports several humanitarian projects or charities, including En Avant les Enfants and Comequi (active in Kivu, Congo), Fondation Fournier Majorie, Foetus for life or the Association Tchendukua.
He is the author of several books and has been widely exhibited in Belgium and France. He held in 2014 a major exhibition in Brussels, «Portraits of the Rift», which was acclaimed by the press. In 2007 he won the best photography award delivered at the occasion of the exhibition l’Art pour l’Accueil held at the Xavier Hufkens gallery. In 2014, a jury chaired by Belgium Sotheby’s chairman granted the artist the photography prize in another collective exhibition in Brussels organized by Spot-U-Art.
In November 2016, Benoît was invited with 17 other photographers, including Ian Arthus-Bertrand and Sebastiao Salgado, to exhibit his work in the Festival Loving Earth organized by Hangar H 18 in Brussels.
His work can be seen on www.benoitferon.photography, on Instagram (benoitferonphotography) and Facebook (Benoît Feron and Regards Passion by Benoît Feron). He can be contacted by phone ( +32 475 470874) or by email ([email protected]).
Solo exhibitions
2021 June - Elements Terra Abstracta, Villa Gallery (Liège, BE)
2021 April – Burners by BF, Ten Gallery (Knokke, BE)
2020 Sept/Oct. - Elements Terra Abstracta, invité d’honneur, Phot’Aubrac (Nasbinal et Aubrac, FR)
2020 Sept - Elements Terra Abstracta, invité, Festival Spot-Nature (Le Havre, FR)
2020 July – Les Lacs du Rift, invité d’honneur, Festival Photo A Ciel Ouvert (L’Ile d’Olonne, FR)
2020 Jan/Feb. – Art For Cities, Budapest (HUNG)
2019 Nov. – Elements Terra Abstracta, Montier Festival Photo (Montier en Der, FR)
2019 Oct/Nov. – Art For Cities, Arthus Gallery (Brussels, BE)
2019 Sept. – Ethnicity, invité d’honneur, Festiphoto de Rambouillet (FR)
2018 Sept/Nov. – Ethnicity, Galerie Arnaud Rogez (Brussels, BE)
2018 July – Ethnies, Voies Off, Arles (Arles, FR)
2018 April/May – Ethnies, Arts2 B (Wavre, BE)
2017 Oct. - White Yellowstone, Festival International Nature de Namur (Namur, BE)
2017 March – Portraits du Rift, soirée Comequi, Château du Lac (Genval, BE)
2016 - Portraits du Rift, Festival photo animalière et de nature, Montier en Der (FR)
2016 June – RoofTop 58 (Brussels, BE)
2016 - Event organized at Alexander House by Sotheby's Real Estate and Rothschild Belgique (Brussels, BE)
2015 – Portraits du Rift, Festival AVES de photographie (Namur, BE)
2015 – Skins, Cercle du Lac (Louvain la Neuve, BE)
2014 - Fotofever Paris (Paris, FR)
2014 - Portraits du Rift, Hangar H18 (Brussels, BE)
2013 - From Earth to Skin, Bank Degroof (Wavre, BE)
2012 - African Skins, NautaDutilh art space (Rotterdam, NL)
2010 - African Skins 2, Young Gallery (Knokke, BE)
2010 - African Skins, Galerie Duqué & Pirson (Brussels BE)
2009 - Surma, Faces & Bodies, Bank Delen (Antwerp, BE)
2008 - Surma, Faces & Bodies, Galerie Duqué et Pirson (Brussels, BE)
Elements Terra Abstracta, Editions Regards Passion, 2021, 84 pages
Portraits du Rift, Editions Regards Passion, 2016, 144 pages
Portraits of the Rift, Editions Regards Passion, 2016, 144 pages
Rien n’est éternel sauf les étincelles, Tchendukua Editions (collectif de 40 photographes), Paris, 2014, 264 pages
Advocaten op de Foto, Lannoo, Tielt, 2013, 256 pages
Visages d'avocats, La Renaissance du Livre, Brussels, 2010, 256 pages
Surma, Faces & Bodies, La Renaissance du Livre, Brussels, 2008, 104 pages
Visages de Goma, Editions Racine, Brussels, 2008, 120 pages
La collégiale Sainte-Waudru, Editions Racine, 2008, 176 pages