Country: United States 🇺🇸
It has taken me quite a while to think of myself as a photographer. I have been a daughter, sister, wife, mother, empty nester, grandmother, great grandmother, widow and partner in my lifetime. Never in those years was I a photographer. Frankly, except for family memories, I didn't have time. Some might, and have, said that I am stubborn. I prefer determined. I have also been described as quirky. But only, as far as I know, by those who say they love me. I have always seen stories in the world around me, laughed when I am nervous, stayed silent when perhaps I shouldn't, have trouble looking people in the eye because I am listening carefully and I love to explore and learn about new places, people and ideas. In the past year I have been encouraged and honored by Honorable Mentions in Rise Awards, Urban Photography Awards, International Photo Awards, Worldwide Photography Gala Awards, Budapest International Foto Awards, and Monochrome Photo Awards. Also recently I have won 5 honorable mentions in the Tokyo International Photo Awards, merit awards Fotonostrum Awards, and overall non professional winner of Julia Margaret Cameron Awards. More recently, I have received a Silver and Bronze and Hon. Mentions in the 2022 Budapest Foto Awards. I am honored and continuing on my journey.